
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Heaven in a Brownie Tray

This is definitely a "once in a while" treat, since it uses up one MF meal, one condiment AND one optional snack, but it's SO worth it. You could easily cut out one of the two toppings, (i.e. JUST peanut butter or just cream cheese) and still have this decadent treat, but the combo of the two together is to die for. :) Enjoy!

1 Medifast Brownie Mix
3 tbsp water
1 wedge Laughing Cow Light cream cheese
2 tbsp PB2 Peanut butter powder
1 tbsp water

Mix the brownie mix with 3 tbsp water. Microwave 1 minute 30 seconds. Cut one wedge of Laughing Cow Light cream cheese into small slices. Place cream cheese slices on top of baked brownie. Spread around lightly. (If you're too rough, the brownie will pull up instead of the cream cheese spreading). In a small bowl, mix together 2 tbsp PB2 peanut butter powder with 1 tbsp of water. Adjust water to your desired consistancy. Spread the peanut butter over the cream cheese layer. The result can either be eaten warm, or frozen first.

Medifast calcs: 1 Medifast Meal, 1 healthy fat serving, 1 optional snack


  1. I just read like, every post on here and I am so inspired by you and your success! I am just starting my third week on TSFL and I'm feeling really good but have a long, long way to go. Your Recipes look ah-mayze-zing! I cannot wait to try some of these out but it takes me forever to get through my leftovers. I would love an update on how you are doing today!

    1. Aww, thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying my recipes and am humbled by your comments. I'm doing awesome. Still going strong with TSFL - so much so that I became a coach when I hit 100 lbs down. I'm down 123 lbs since March (OMFG, right??) and am loving life! I hit my "healthy weight" bmi a few days ago and have about 10ish more vanity pounds I'd like to lose. I haven't had a chance to blog much and REALLY need to post some new recipes soon! Congrats on making the decision to do TSFL - you won't be sorry! I wish I'd known about it years ago. SO many wasted years being obese and unhealthy! At least I can spend the rest of my life at a healthy weight.

    2. OMG I am in AWE right now about how quickly the weight has come off for you! I was reading your stats on the TSFL boards and can only hope and pray that this journey will go as smoothly for me! I'm so happy that you decided to do this so you can spend the rest of your life being healthy! Oh, I tried the MF "Pizza" recipe you posted and I am addicted. I have been having a really hard time being around pizza so I am relieved to have found something to kick that temptation!

    3. Thank you for your kind words! I won't lie, it was hard work, but SO worth it! But to be honest, the last 10 lbs have been REALLY hard (I'm still struggling with them). I just keep reminding myself of how far I have come and where I was! (I LOVE Almonds and have learned that they are a binging trigger food for me - and I've caved a couple times this week).

      I'm thrilled you've tried the pizza recipe! It's by far my favorite on the site! Anytime my family is having pizza, I'll make that for myself. I actually PREFER it over theirs! :D

      Good luck in your journey! If you have any questions, feel free to email me! :)

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your great progress and recipes and tips. It's really admirable to see someone improve their life in a big way, but it's downright extraordinary to see someone also make the effort to inspire others and help them change too. Thanks again.

  3. question for you. You say Laughing Cow light cream cheese, but I only see Laughing Cow light creamy swiss cheese. Is that what you mean? Or am I not seeing laughing cow cream cheese anywhere and it exists?

    1. I have no idea where it's sold, but I found that Laughing Cow Cream Cheese does exist.

    2. I then found that it is no longer made.
