
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Medifast Buckeyes

Yep, that's right. Buckeyes!

I've got a thing for Reese's peanut butter cups, and my husband recently asked me to make him peanut butter balls. Which just increased my desire to have something, ANYTHING with peanut butter in it.

I did some searching of the Medifast forums and found that most people use and like the PB2. I was sad to discover that I could only obtain it by ordering it online (and paying shipping). I headed off to my local Whole Foods to see if they had any sort of peanut butter powder similar to PB2.

And as I stared at all the nut butters they had to offer, Just Great Stuff's organic peanut butter powder lit up on the shelf, like angels had shone a spotlight on it. It must have blinded me, because even with its $8.99 price tag, I still put it in my cart. Somewhere in the back of my brain, I figured that the price of the PB2 plus shipping would probably still be more expensive. (Although now that I'm writing the post, I remember that has free shipping...)

Also, JGS's peanut butter powder contains coconut sugar, which has a lower glycemic index than cane sugar (PB2's ingredient), which, while it has 1 more gram of sugar than PB2, it has the same amount of carbs. Did I mention it's organic? ;)

Anyway, I came home, ripped open the jar and inhaled the peanut-y goodness, and decided that right then and there I HAD to come up with a recipe to incorporate it.

I make daily baggies with all my meals for the day as soon as I get my Medifast order, and I just so happened to have hot cocoa as my evening snack in the bag. I'm not sure if this recipe will work with the pudding, but believe me, I intend to try it!

**UPDATE** I tried it with the pudding, and while it works, it requires more water (I used two extra tablespoons). It had a bit of a funky gelatinous texture, but after freezing, it was pretty good. I still prefer the hot cocoa version.

Medifast Buckeyes

Chocolate layer:
1 packet Medifast Hot Cocoa
3 Tbsp cold water

Peanut butter Layer:
2 Tbsp Just Great Stuff Peanut Butter Powder
1 Tbsp cold water

In two separate bowls, combine the powders and water. Whisk with a fork until completely smooth. Using four small cups (I use the Dixie 2 oz salad dressing cups), spread a layer of chocolate on the bottom of each cup. Follow it by 1/4 of the peanut butter. Top with the remaining chocolate.

Freeze until set, approx 1-2 hours. If using the Dixie cups, they should pop right out. If not, warm the sides with your hands for a few seconds and they will come out.

4 cups=1 serving

Medifast calcs: 1 Medifast Meal, 1 Snack

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