
Monday, December 30, 2013


I know it's been a LONG time since I've updated the blog. I apologize for that. I've been insanely busy lately, what with having a book coming out in April! BURN ME, my romantic suspense novel, was picked up by Swoon Romance! *Snoopy dance*

Anyway, with everything happening on the publishing side of my life, I have let this blog stagnate. Not because I've fallen off the Take Shape for Life/Medifast wagon, but because I've been so busy between the publishing side of my life and life in general. Who knew kids took a lot of work! ;)

Weight loss update: I hit a healthy BMI last week, hitting my initial goal weight and blowing that out of the water. I've lost 123 lbs since March, with around 10 more to go. I might go for another 10 once I've gotten this last 10 off. Here's an updated progress pic (taken today!). The before pics make me a little nauseous to look at, but if they help inspire others to make healthy changes in their lives, it's worth it!

Trigger foods: I've found as I near goal that I've got a few trigger foods that cause me to binge: peanut powder and almonds. Both of which I just can't seem to stop once I've had just a little. Not sure why this is just NOW rearing it's ugly head, since I've been using both throughout my journey, but I'm trying to nip it in the bud by avoiding having either in the house. I had hoped that losing weight would cure any binging issues I had (I had the tendency to eat until something was gone, just because it was there). I've learned that I'm an emotional eater, and tend to want to eat when I'm stressed. The holidays were a bit stressful this year and that's how I discovered the trigger items. Just being conscious of the fact that I AM an emotional eater seems to help me identify the binge trigger before it happens and find other ways to distract myself (including popping a piece of sugar free gum when I feel extra stressed). 

Recipes: I've got quite a few recipes to post, just not enough time to post them! But, I promise I will post some new recipes soon!! If you're looking for some inspiration for your own L&G meals, check out my Pinterest L&G idea board. The recipes are NOT Medifast approved or confirmed on-plan, but can give you ideas on what to make with some modifications for your L&G's to stay on plan!

Health Coaching: I'm absolutely loving helping others find their path to health using TSFL! I'm actively accepting clients, so if you're looking for a health coach, check out my website at